Stone Creek Elementary PTA plays a vital role in fostering collaboration between parents, teachers, staff, and administrators to support the education and well-being of our children.
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Upcoming Events
Save the dates and get ready for these exciting events. We can't wait to see you there.
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What does PTA do?
Throughout the year, we organize various events, fundraisers, and initiatives aimed at enriching the educational experience of our students and strengthening the bond between home and school.
Provide teacher grants to all teachers and support staff.
Bring the community together through events.
Help to provide school supplies, technology, and recess equipment.
What your donations provided for 2023-2024 school year:
School supplies for fall 2023
Classroom grants for every teacher and support staff memeber
Prizes for SOAR cart and Brewer Bucks
Student enrichment activites such as Meet
the Masters, Imagination Machine, Field
Trips, Walk Throughs, Field Day
Teacher and staff appreciation events
6th grade promotion costs
Community Events – ice cream social,
trunk or treat, STEAM night, Carnival
Coming this fall:
School Spirit Window Decorations by the lunch tables
New School Playground Equipmemt
Gaga Ball
Slam Ball
Ping Pong
Volleyball nets
Soccer Nets